Oil Changes
Oil Changes
There’s no better way to extend the life of your vehicle and make it run better than by changing your oil. Your car’s engine is a sophisticated piece of machinery and there’s only one thing that keeps this whole system from utter meltdown: the oil in your crankcase. The older that oil is, the more impurities it has. Which means the harder your engine has to work just to keep up. Which means the more it wants to give up and break down.
That’s why frequent oil changes aren’t just a good idea — they’re essential. At Mobil 1 Lube Express, an oil change is economical and fast (just 10 minutes)

Included in all of our Oil Changes is our 19 point inspection:
- Anti-Freeze Checked
- Grease Joints
- Lube Doors
- Headlights Checked
- Tail Lights Checked
- Signals Lights Checked
- Serpentine Belt Check
- Windows Washed
- Transmission Fluid Top-Off
- 5 Qts of Mobil Motor Oil
- New Oil Filter
- Tire Pressure Check
- Fill Windshield Fluid
- Fill Steering Fluid
- Check the Air Intake Filter
- Inspect the Wiper Blades
- Inspect the Tires
- Check the Air Filter in your Cabin
- Visually Inspect the Brakes
Mobil Special Oil Change
Mobil Super High Mileage Oil Change
Mobil Super Blend Oil Change
Mobil 1 Oil Change (Synthetic)
Mobil 1 Extended Performance Oil Change
Note: At Mobil 1 Lube Express, we stock a complete line of engine oils. We have the correct weight oil for your vehicle.
* Additional quarts are priced separately depending on brand and weight.